Since our inception, PGI Executive Search has been totally focused on building a strategic, quality search practice in the private club industry.
Understanding the personality types and natural behavioral preferences of job candidates can both substantially enhance your candidate selection and pre-employment screening process, and be an invaluable instrument for smooth integration and successful start of a new high-ranking manager or a team member.
When interviewing a job candidate you face the challenge of knowing nothing about the personality of the candidate you are about to meet. What questions should you ask during an interview to reveal the candidate’s strengths and to probe at any weak areas? Will he or she get along with your team members? Will he or she get along with the Board? Will the candidate bring personality strengths to the table that the current team might be lacking? How will you ensure the successful integration of a new team member?
This is where we come in to help. Our objective is to complete the search efficiently, swiftly and, most importantly, successfully – in short, to help maximize the Club's substantial investment in human capital and hire well the first time.
Our experience and intimate knowledge of the club industry enables our firm to achieve these goals.
In an ever changing business world, emphasize on performance leadership has never been greater. Leadership is something that employees bestow upon the most effective managers and is reserved for individuals with high standards of integrity and outstanding communication skills.
Our search philosophy revolves around finding the right mix of transformational leadership and emotional intelligence in the ideal candidate.
We seek to find leaders who are able to see both the forest as well as the trees, who know how to distinguish between the two in times of complexity and who are able to shift between the two with speed and ease.
A leader who is in tune with his/her own emotions is much more likely to be able to understand and empathize with the emotions that impact the attitudes and behavior of others. Employees respond best to managers who treat them as individuals who deserve respect. We will find leaders who are able to foster a positive collaborative spirit, eliminating internal politics and focusing on internal cooperation.
We will work to recruit leaders who have the necessary skill, experience and personal qualities to advance the club’s strategies and achieve outstanding results. In an age where crisis is the new normal, clubs need leaders who are able to act quickly and calmly amid chaos and we will endeavor to find such leaders.
Often, a club may want to test how the new team member integrates into the existing team (peers, managers and/or subordinates) and the club’s organizational structure. We will help you accomplish this goal by performing the following basic processes:
Conduct personality assessments of the members of the existing team or the individuals the prospective candidate will interact with
Establish the group’s overall personality radar and compare it with the candidate’s personality radar to confirm compatibility or reveal potential conflicts.
Conduct a 1:1 personality compatibility report by analyzing the candidate’s profile against any other professional within the club (i.e. Candidate vs. Exec Chef, Candidate vs. Golf Pro, Candidate vs. Clubhouse Manager, etc.). This report will provide a side-by-side comparison of behavioral scores and personality radar.
We can help you discover and confirm any potentially weak areas of the existing team by completing personality assessments of the existing team members and obtain a group summary report. This report allows you to analyze your team as a whole and determine its potentially weak areas in terms of soft risks.
Once such “blind spots” are identified you can incorporate them into the new hire requirements or a job posting and then look for a candidate who might bring to the table personality qualities that are lacking in the team.
Our main goal is to find the right candidate for the right position. To accomplish this we will follow a chronological progression presented below:
Understand your needs (goal setting) – established during preliminary meeting with the search committee. Create an interim plan and determine project time frames as well as preferred methods of communication
Your ideal candidate – we would determine the skills, knowledge and abilities required of the candidate; if necessary we may challenge client’s assumptions and present alternative thoughts on how to best achieve the desired results
Learn the club – here we would be interested in learning more about the club's culture and its mission statement as well as the short / medium / long term goals of the Board. We would also want to meet key employees to ascertain the profile of the ideal candidate from them as well.
Summarize findings – this report will summarize the profile of the ideal candidate from a top down and down up perspective and will outline the path forward. This step is often overlooked but it is, in our opinion, crucial to ensuring a successful placement.
Pre-screen candidates (performed by us) – we initiate a targeted search to identify compatible candidates. We interview each of them and then perform a deep competency based analysis of their achievements (skills, managerial progression, work history, etc.) personalities, and management styles.
Screening of candidates (performed by the employer) – the search committee will review the profiles of the pre-screened candidates then select those who are to be interviewed.
Candidate evaluations – our team will perform an in-depth analysis of each candidate using applicable executive capabilities assessment techniques (link to page before).
Interviews - our team will make all necessary arrangements for the candidates to be interviewed.
Selection and placement – the search committee will make a decision on the right candidate(s). We will perform thorough background and reference checks then assist in the negotiations over compensation.
We generally work on a contingency basis, which means that we earn our fee only when a candidate recommended by us is hired. Flexibility is what defines us, however, which means we can adapt to a client's specific preference (i.e. retained search, contingency search, etc.).
Our fees are based on a percentage of the placement’s first year base salary plus any guaranteed bonus, but you will find that, compared to our competition, our percentage is significantly more competitive.
Why, you may ask? We are smaller and much more nimble than our competitors and we have streamlined our operations making full use of technology to the point that we are remarkably efficient. This translates into lower overhead and savings, which we gladly pass on to you.
We guarantee all of our placements for a considerable period of time depending on the level of the position. If a placement does not last the term of our guarantee (by decision of either party), we will apply the full amount of the credit toward a new search, unless the employer eliminates the position altogether.
We are eager to prove ourselves and prefer a long-term approach which is based on building our business one client at a time. We hope you will become one.